OPINION September


Halal Haram
Halal and Haram are two Arabic words. They form an integral part of how Muslim view all aspects of life.

Halal: This is an Arabic word which means lawful or permissible. It does not just refer to things that a Muslim is allowed to eat but also encompasses everything lawful in a Muslim's life. Nevertheless, it is most often uttered in reference to food.

Haram: Haram is the Arabic word that is opposite to Halal; it means something is forbidden or unlawful for Muslims to consume, use or do.

I rest my case.

TESSA 14 September 2024
Classifying Cigarettes

Is it okay to be rude?
Definitely. When all else has failed. But only if being rude is the only way left. Only if your ‘being nice’ package has expired.

Honesty is a good thing, if it comes from a core of kindness, not one of lording it over others. Criticism is useful, even necessary to fix serious problems, if it is constructive and falls on open ears. 

People have different thresholds for tolerance, you have yours. People bother you to the extent that you break that limit.

Other times, people need a reality check, they refuse to believe you if you're being polite.

But remember, Words cut deeper wounds than swords. Some words not only affect the other person, but will also hit your conscience.

Don't be rude when you want to, but when you have to.

I rest my case.

TESSA 7 September 2024

What is luck?
I think “luck” has a lot to do with confidence. But your confidence needs a lot of hard work, a lot of courage to sacrifice, to become successful in this dramatic world. 

Therefore, when you give your best, you become confident. You may not have confidence when you doubt what you are doing. Moreover, with confidence, there are more chances you will have luck.

In the life of the Muslim there is no room for luck or coincidence. Rather, he or she is to act according to the commands of Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and to firmly believe that this is a form of taking the necessary worldly measures and that the results are up to Allah.

I rest my case.

TESSA 1 September 2024

Classifying Cigarettes

A divisive move in classifying cigarettes in non-halal section I WRITE to express my concerns regarding the recent proposal to place cigaret...