OPINION Apr 2024


A Post-Holiday Malaise 
Well it’s some time off, of course. We just did the Hari Raya Puasa celebration with family and close friends, Hari Raya Haji is coming up, and then in another dentist appointment for a regular dental checkup. It’s a signal to me that the days from then on are starting to become longer.

I will stay busy. Mentally, or physically, or both. Bake something. Find a good series and binge watch it. Find some good books, and get lost in them. 

And, as always, eat lots of good chocolate. Stay away from salads and other rabbit food, but make sure you're getting plenty of B vitamins (B6, B12, et cetera). The B vitamins increase your energy levels, and the chocolate will make you live forever. 

Okay, not really, but it will make your brain release plenty of feel good chemicals, and it is difficult to be blue when you feel good. 

I rest my case.

Can a real celeb/public figure ask someone for money?  
They sure can, it's not like there's any trouble they'll get into for asking someone. However the chances of them doing something like that are slim to none. 

The reason for this is because they want to keep their financial matters really quiet. It can have a negative effect on their career, because if anyone heard about a movie or a concert tour start asking for money from a person, they'd look really bad.

If you received an email or call from someone claiming to be a celebrity and asking for money. That's almost always a scam, I've had that happen to me before. I didn't give them some money of course, because I knew celebrities don't ask random strangers for money by email, hangouts or google chats. 

This is one of the scams you need to watch out for. There are scammers impersonate celebrities on social media and ask their fans to send money for all kinds of reasons – like claiming a prize, donating to a charity, or giving help of some kind. 

Aside from the scam artist's there are basically no celebrities who will ask people for money. If any celebrities asked for money because they didn't want anyone to know except you, they would show up at the designated spot incognito, this would be the way they could reveal themselves to you, and at the same time ask for the money. 

So I hope this helps you and you don't give them money if they are asking.

I rest my case.

TESSA 3 Apr, 2024

Classifying Cigarettes

A divisive move in classifying cigarettes in non-halal section I WRITE to express my concerns regarding the recent proposal to place cigaret...