OPINION July 2024


What corporations should people boycott, and why?
It’s not my place to tell someone else what corporations they should choose to not do business with. That’s their decision. And honestly, I can’t think of any companies that I “boycott”. 

Almost everything is tolerable as nothing is perfect and there will be something or the other which we may not like but we have to adjust.

I actually like McDonald's. I rarely go there because there's not one near me. Starbucks? I prefer to support local Kopitiam shops, but I've had Starbucks before.  So no, I don't boycott anyone.

I rest my case. 

TESSA 27, July 2024

Life With The Internet 
Well, if we don't have the internet doesn't mean the doomsday is about to come. You can learn survival skills from your parents or your grandparents.

However I agree that living without the internet in the 21st century is hard but we have missed a lot of beautiful moments around us because of the Internet. 

According to the report by Institute of Contemporary Music Performance 2020, popular American television host and comedian Ellen DeGeneres sits on number one position on the list with 58 per cent fake followers on Instagram. 

According to satista report majority of Instagram mega-influencers with more than one million followers worldwide were involved in fraudulent activities to inflate their engagement and follower figures in 2023. Mega-influencers and celebrities involved in fraud were 58.5 percent of the total in the same year.

Social Media Influencers 
I think a lot of them, especially TikTok and Instagram “influencers”, are unskilled vain people who freeload money based on their good looks. I see so many “influencers” on both social media nowadays whose feed consists of nothing but bikini pictures or revealing clothing or going places. 

They also perpetuate unrealistic standards of beauty. Furthermore, a lot of social media influencers act extremely vain and entitled just because they have a semi-large following. All they are are walking human billboards. 

Scams involving influencers on social media are unfortunately quite common and can vary in severity from minor deceit to significant financial fraud.

There are few influencers who are doing good work, there are few who are really bringing out good contents. I am a nano influencer myself. But then there are so many now who are just craps. 

Especially the ones posting idiotic contents on TikTok and Instagram reels. Agreed these can get you fame, but ask yourself are you contributing anything to society? You are trading your role and responsibility for easy fame and money.

Also there are many things one needs to be aware of. All that glitters is not gold.

I rest my case. 

TESSA 12, July 2024

Resolutions & Goals
When I have to set resolutions and goals it depends on two things.

My resolutions basically depend on the mistake that makes me suffer a lot or which I am doing repetitively, like trusting people easily, wasting a lot of money, not being organised and points like that. 

In your day to day life there will be few of your habits that make your goals or your work difficult so I just try to leave them.

And goals depend on what I actually admire to do. There are a lot of goals which I have because of my interest and hobbies and a lot of goals because of my career. So I accordingly make them.

Suppose reading is my hobby so I have a goal of completing one book in a month. It also supports my other goal of building vocabulary.

I rest my case. 

Classifying Cigarettes

A divisive move in classifying cigarettes in non-halal section I WRITE to express my concerns regarding the recent proposal to place cigaret...