OPINION June 2024


Agree To Disagree
As a general rule, I try to avoid discussing politics with people who hold starkly different points of view than my own. I have many good friends with whom I share many, many interests, but whose personal politics I find absolutely disagreeable. 

Unless a person's politics tend towards violence or bigotry, I really don't see why they're any of my business; and generally, these conversations just leave all of us more frustrated.

In those circumstances where I do get up in talking politics with people of the opposite view, I try to be patient and let them explain their points of view. I never, ever go into these conversations with the objective of converting them to my way of thinking, but try and ask them questions that will lead them to reflect on their own points of view.

It's a fact of human behaviour that the more you introduce resistance or confrontation to a person's point of view, the more they'll entrench. So if you want to change someone's mind, you have to give them the space to figure it out for themselves. 

If all you're looking to do is talk with someone who holds a different point of view from yours, then be prepared to give them an honest hearing, try to understand what it is that informs their politics, and give a measured response - again, without confrontation.

TESSA 26, June 2024

The retirement starts nibbling at your feet the moment you touch 55. Unless you are a rocket scientist, your company would like to get rid of you and replace you with a low paid youngster.

You may want to continue to work to keep your life going. However, your employer may be thinking of getting rid of you. So, in the majority of cases you as an employee can’t choose.

Getting old is actually about stages. You go from Bold to Cold. Golden years if you have enough Gold, otherwise not so much. Live long enough with less people in your life to Hold. Your body starts to Mold. You regret that time was Sold for naught. You're Told things but can't hear or see them as well hopefully still able to remember. 

All said jokingly but unfortunately truthfully. 

The older you get, the more you choose calm over chaos and distance over disrespect. Drama becomes intolerable to you and your peace becomes your ultimate priority. You start surrounding yourself with people who are good for your mental health, heart and soul.

I rest my case. 

Tourists Vs Visitors
Tourists are often associated with spending money on experiences, souvenirs, and accommodations. Visitor is a more neutral term that doesn't necessarily imply a focus on leisure. Visitors can have various motivations, and their spending patterns may vary depending on their purpose for travel.

A tourist typically stays overnight, while a same-day visitor does not. Tourists often travel from one location to another, exploring attractions and experiencing the culture, which usually requires spending at least one night away from home.

On the other hand, a guest is a person invited by someone to visit the home or take part in a function organized by another. A visitor is a person who goes to see or spend time with another.

The difference used to be that “tourist” specifically meant a traveller on a tour. A visitor  is someone who travels for any given reason. A tourist is a traveller who travels for fun. 

Understanding the distinction between these terms can help clarify the diverse motivations and purposes behind travel and can provide insight into the various activities and experiences that individuals seek when visiting different locations around the world.

I rest my case.

Romance Scammers
Scammers will quickly use a tactic that many cults use called love bombing, where they shower you with attention and love. They may share their phone number with you, or send you images of flowers, or quotes. They send enchanting compliments and plagiarized poetry.

Like a cult, they also may try to isolate their victims by asking them to keep the new relationship a secret. After all, they don’t want victims to talk to someone who may see what’s really going on. 

What you can do: Stop talking to them, report their accounts and block them.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. People don’t just fall in love within the first few hours or days of meeting each other online. The military members don’t need you to send them money for phones, passes or anything else; they have access to their own bank accounts anywhere in the world and leave passes are not for sale. Anyone asking for money is very likely a scammer.

Don’t feed these scammers.

I rest my case.

Classifying Cigarettes

A divisive move in classifying cigarettes in non-halal section I WRITE to express my concerns regarding the recent proposal to place cigaret...