Why do we, as a society, need a government?
We need the government to organize ourselves. Humans by nature follow leaders and from groups with structures. If we did not have a traditional government like the ones we see in the world today then we would just form another type of group.

For example, the government creates laws that allow people to work and seek justice within the system. Let’s say person X was stronger than I was and stole my property then I can call the government and ask for help from my neighbours. 

Since my neighbours agree to live by the rules our government sets about not stealing, they come together to help me get my property back from person X.

I rest my case.
Is Palm Oil Unhealthy?
Like everything, its risk to health depends upon what one is doing with it. At one extreme, a lump of palm oil sitting on a shelf poses little to no risk (perhaps, there is a small risk in the event of a fire). On the other end, being hit in the head with a large enough block of palm oil at a high enough velocity would result in death.

In terms of eating it, it is high in saturated fats but it is probably no worse than butter, and when used sparingly it should pose no adverse effects for most individuals. That being said, palm oil is cheap, is shelf stable and it works as a replacement for trans fats so it is used in large quantities in many processed and fried foods. It is also used in detergents, cosmetics and, to a small extent, biofuel.

No one really knows what constitutes an optimal diet for humans, but it is prudent to limit intake of fats and especially saturated fats, including palm oil.

I rest my case.

TESSA 18 August 2024

An Alcoholic Person
I don't think people drink because it solves their problem. I think they drink because they want to forget about it. They might get lost in their drunkenness and like it which might keep them drinking more.

People want to remove the emptiness of life or the emptiness that they feel. They know that alcohol won't solve the problems that they have, but they want to forget it for a while. It's an 'escape' attitude.

When you wake up the next morning, hung over, your problem will still be there and you will probably feel worse about it.

Alcohol, and drugs for that matter, is not the answer to facing troubles in life. It only makes everything worse actually and everybody knows that, but once you go down the spiral of addiction it is hard to stop.

I rest my case.

Who owns the content posted by the users on social media, the users or the social media company?
Broadly speaking the users. You own the rights but there are nuances as you grant the social media platforms the right to use and transform your content. 

This sounds scarier than it is, as the rights you grant the platforms are about ensuring they can do with your content what needs to be done to operate their platforms e.g. move it across servers, let other people see, share, like it, etc. 

This all assumes it’s your original content and you are not posting any content made by someone else where they could claim the copyright.

Social media platforms generally have terms of service that outline acceptable content, and they often take measures to moderate and enforce those guidelines. 

It is important to understand that although you own the content, the platform may have certain rights related to displaying and distributing it. For example, the platforms may have the right to display your content in search results, store it, and even modify it in certain ways so that it can be shared with other users.

I rest my case.

If you've been wondering how to reduce your food bill, consider these strategies
Limit Eating Out  
The single best way to reduce food cost is to cook from scratch at home. It's much more expensive to buy ready made meals. 

Plan Your Grocery Shopping
First you have to make a list of things that you need throughout the week. Then take the list with you when you shop. If it is not on the list don't buy it unless it's a real good mark down on meat. If it is, change your menu plan to use that markdown meat. In fact the first place I look is in the markdown meat section.

Set a Food Budget
Set a budget that you keep to; do not go over, and if you're under, consider buying more of something with a longer shelf life, or put the money in your savings account for another time.

I rest my case.

TESSA 1 August 2024
PKR Veteran

Classifying Cigarettes

A divisive move in classifying cigarettes in non-halal section I WRITE to express my concerns regarding the recent proposal to place cigaret...