OPINION December


I like to hear the sound of rain. When the drops of rainfall on anything. Very powerful and charming music is produced. I always like listening to this magical music of rain. 

And apart from that, pouring rain can be a great excuse to stay home and relax. If you're like me, you might find yourself sleeping in on rainy days. 

Charlie Chaplin once said that “I love rain because it covers my tears”  For me, rain is thousands of emotions in one moment. It’s raining, it’s pouring, your day feels really boring. You can curl up with a great book or binge-watch an entire season of something, but, let’s face it, sometimes you want different, fun things to do at home. 

TESSA 27 December 2024

New Year's Resolutions
For most of us, a new year brings fresh opportunities, yearly goals, and professional and personal aspirations. But, the world has shown us that plans don’t always go as expected, and flexibility is often our greatest asset.

Lose weight. Quit social media. Cut out alcohol completely. Stop smoking. Blah blah blah snoozefest. 

These are all good goals, don't get me wrong. But we set the same New Year's resolutions every single year and then never really stick to them.

TESSA 22 December 2024
My Kad

Too Ambitious
"Too ambitious" means having an excessive desire for success, power, or wealth, and being too determined to achieve it. It can also mean being willing to do almost anything to succeed, even if it means abandoning one's values.

While ambition can be a good thing, being overambitious can be considered bad. For example, someone who is overambitious might set unrealistic goals for themselves, which can lead to failure and affect their self-esteem.
When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself what you want right now. The answer might be coffee or to go back to bed. Then ask yourself what you want more than that. Then you start getting into the interesting stuff. You think about people actually saying you did great work or you having enough money for a new house or getting a job that is actually engaging. Keep asking yourself what you want more. And then get up and start moving toward it. 

Every time you get distracted ask yourself, what do I want more than what I’m doing right now. That includes daydreaming about what you want. What do you want more than a day dream? Keep at it. One track mind. What do you want more?

Be aware that sometimes this can lead to unpredictable results. You may actually find that what you want more is not a corporate job with a lot of money but a relaxed lifestyle with time to be with family or pursue creative work. When you really let yourself go for what you want, rather than what you think you should want, you end up happier, not necessarily wealthier or more productive.

How can you find out if someone is a scammer on Facebook Page?
Scammers like Facebook because you can easily find a lot of new people who may be unaware of the negative aspect of social media and in Facebook many people can make fake accounts very easily without any hassle.

Scammers often like comments on celebrity pages to gain visibility and appear legitimate, hoping to attract potential victims by associating themselves with a well-known figure, thereby increasing the likelihood of people clicking on their profile or engaging with their suspicious content. 

They will also post comments like “I like your profile, please add me as a friend” - presumably because sending out lots of friend requests. Receiving many friend requests is a different matter. More and more scammers are there. Any military personnel, US soldiers, doctors, mostly scams. As the saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Usually, the scammer is on there several times, they use the same name from a different id. I have been approached by more than 20 David Gray.  

Yes, they’re scammers. They’re fake profiles, allegedly all run by one person, or group of people. They’re romance scammers. No ‘real deal’ star has the remotest interest in you - a sad but true fact of life - there will never be a genuine contact from them.

Covid 19
Let’s first get there and we will see. Everyone has been affected. It has been a terrible year of restrictions for most people. 

We all know and remember clearly where we were on the day when the 1st shutdown happened. We remember when the word pandemic was 1st uttered and wondered what does that actually mean as no one other than Ebola outbreaks in Africa, had ever experienced anything like this.

Soon we saw body bags as mortuaries couldn’t handle them. There were no goodbyes, goodbyes. The telephones held to someone's ear by a caring medical professional as their patient said goodbye or more likely, the patient was told goodbye by families who could not be with them. 

Then all the ups and downs of medical advice, then politicizing, then places like Italy completely locked down. The clapping and thanking of medical professionals each evening and suddenly it was December and everyone acted like it was over but it was not.

Food Prices
Food prices in Malaysia have been increasing, with a 2.3% year-on-year increase in October 2024. This was the strongest increase since December 2023. 

Here are some other details about food prices in Malaysia:

Grocery costs
A single person's monthly grocery bill is typically between 400–600 RM. A household of five people spends around 900 RM per month on groceries, but about a quarter of that food is wasted. 

Factors affecting food prices
The cost of food at home, vegetables, cereals, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, nuts, sugar, honey, chocolate, and confectionery all contribute to food price increases. 

Eating out
The cost of eating out has also been increasing, with a 3.3% increase in June 2024. 

Import costs
The ringgit's value has been falling, which could lead to an increase in import costs and food prices. 

TESSA 2 December 2024


Teen urges Malaysians not to take job offers abroad that are “too good to be true” A YOUNG Malaysian caught in the dragnet of sleazy scammer...