Saturday, 21 October 2023


Friday Jottings: The proxies with hands just as bloodied
Today, while the world witness in horror the atrocities of Israel on Palestinians, in particular in Gaza, they are exposed to the realities of why Tel Aviv could conduct the genocide with impunity and total disregard of the international laws.

JUST four days and 20 years ago, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then only two weeks short of ending his tenure as the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia, courted international controversy and earned himself notoriety in the Western hemisphere.

In his opening speech at the 10th Organisation of Islamic Conference summit in Putrajaya, Dr Mahathir said: “Jews rule the world by proxy,” which was immediately and roundly condemned by European and American leaders as being anti-Jew and anti-semitic.

Today, while the world witness in horror the atrocities of Israel on Palestinians, in particular in Gaza, they are exposed to the realities of why Tel Aviv could conduct the genocide with impunity and total disregard of the international laws.

According to a report in Jerusalem Post, US president Joe Biden, though an Irish catholic, considered himself a Christian Zionist who grew up just like other Jewish children on the stories of the holocaust and the importance of ensuring that such depravity was never repeated.

With that, standing by Israel is given a tinge of a pseudo religious obligation for the American Government and all Americans and that the narrative henceforth would be on the evil of Hamas and other Palestinian freedom fighters.

Having declared himself a Christian Zionist, Biden immediately embarked on lies and deceptions to convince the rest of the world of Hamas being the evil incarnate and came up with the story of him personally seeing pictures of the Palestinian group beheading Israeli babies.

Indeed, the White House had since clarified that Biden did not himself see the photographs nor was there any proof of those acts being committed but the clarification did not do much in pacifying pro-Israel elements in the US.

But the hatred whipped by Biden’s narrative may very well contribute towards the murder of Wadea Al Fayoume was stabbed 26 times (alongside his mother) by his family’s landlord in Illinois.

Reportedly, investigators believed that the victims were targeted by the suspect due to them being Muslims and the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict between Hamas and Israel.

While all these are unfurling, on the social media, a post pointed out how the American Government or rather the Biden administration is dominated by Jews and suspicions of some of them holding dual nationalities – USA’s and Israel – was also highlighted.

Unlike Dr Mahathir’s assertion in 2003 which did not name names, the posting did.

Regardless whether the posting’s contentions are true or otherwise, the crux of the matter is that the unconditional support from the American Government for Tel Aviv is only expected as its top two leaders, at least, had publicly declared their support for Jews and Israel.

It was pointed out that there are probably as many Jews who are opposed to the genocide and acts of terror inflicted on the Palestinians by fellow Jews in Israel.

Indeed, numerous reports and news clips had shown Jews from all over Europe and even in America, including Rabbis, demonstrating and denouncing the Israeli Jews for their cruelties.

These Jews pointed out how ashamed they were of being associated with the Israeli Jews who commit their atrocities in the name of their race and religion.

Well, obviously, the Jews mentioned by Dr Mahathir and others who condemned the Jews were referring to the Zionist Jews who believed in the killings of Palestinians, the forceful seizures of their lands as well as the imprisonment of all Gazans in what is described as the biggest open-air prison on earth.

The criticisms are also directed to the Jews in other parts of the world, including the likes of Blinken and those before him, in particular in America, for supporting and defending Israel and treating Palestinians who stood up against them as terrorists and not freedom fighters.

There is nothing anti-Semitic about these contentions. They are merely a reminder of how some Jews, playing victim, commit inhumane act of cruelties upon fellow beings, namely the Palestinians.

What is obvious is that the conflict in the middle-east would not have escalated or even start in the first place if the American and European Governments, past and present, did not support Israel or had its back.

Israel would not have the courage to commit their ethnic cleansing and genocide with such impunity, and if they had not committed those acts, the likes of Hamas and other freedom fighters’ movements in Palestine would not have much raison d’etre.

All the Palestinians want is the end of the occupation, the return of their land and a Palestinian nation that is both sovereign and free.

And these are the very things that Israeli Jews and their international backers are bent on depriving the Palestinians of.

While denying the Palestinians of their right to exist, the Israelis commit acts of terror, almost daily in the past seven decades, hoping to be able to force Palestinians into total subjugation and eventually seize all the Palestinian land and territories.

Any attempts of sporadic retaliations are immediately boxed as acts of terrorism and committed by terrorists.

Such categorisation is immediately echoed by the European and American leaders and given credence by their media. With that the lies gets repeated over and over, very much from the playbook of Nazi’s Goebbels.

Over time, the American and European leaders feel compelled to extend their arms and military support.

In turn, it encouraged and emboldened the Israelis to pursue their sport of hunting down Palestinians. With that Dr Mahathir and those who agreed with him are vindicated

For this is exactly what “the Jews rule the world by proxy” means.

Shamsul Akmar is an editor at The Malaysian Reserve.


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