The social contract between a diner and a food provider
Letter to Editor
TODAY, a few states in the US have declared Monkeypox as a public health emergency – just days after the World Health Organisation (WHO) did the same.
This public emergency declaration has cause public fatigue towards a pandemic or potential pandemic after COVID-19.
We saw many lockdowns, many measures that have/are going to change our lives forever and not to mention, the number of people that have succumbed to it.
However, we cannot help but think that we are now officially responsible for one another. If a person is sick or feeling unwell, do not come in.
If a person has tested positive for COVID-19, self-quarantine and get medical help if they show medical warning signs.
However, we must all remember that when it comes to eating (yes, some say it’s a Malaysian past time), there is an unwritten social contract between the provider and the recipient of the food.
I decided to write this as I feel many (including those in sundry shops) have forgotten what we had experienced over the last 2.5 years and with the emergence of another potential infectious disease, some might need reminding.
Many might not agree and ridicule it, but I want to bring your attention to an article written some time ago about how eating at restaurants will never be the same again following the relaxation of the movement control order (MCO).
The author was heavily criticised for his views but looking at where we are today it was indeed some sound advice.
When reading this, remember that many of our nation’s children have not been vaccinated and not following the advice to get them vaccinated are putting them largely at risk.
The Customer’s/Recipient’s point of view
As a customer, I expect that…
- Your workers are all vaccinated;
- You have affirmed that your workers are well before starting work;
- Your workers are prepared to serve and take orders while following all standard operating procedures (SOPs) including wearing a mask and practicing hand hygiene especially before and after serving customers;
- All utensils including plates, forks and spoons, glasses and serving spatulas are all washed properly especially after use;
- The restaurant is hygienic and this includes a proper sitting area (that is distanced from the next table) and that the food that is prepared is covered until someone wants to eat. Also, the restaurant must have proper ventilation; and
- You clean the tables/chairs/counters after it has been used by other customers especially surface areas where there are droplets.
The Restaurant’s/Food Provider’s point of view
An owner would expect that all customers…
- Wear masks when entering restaurants. Of course, there is an exception when you are eating but otherwise put on a mask especially when going for buffets or getting your first, second, third or fourth helping;
- Not handle multiple plates/utensils/glasses at one go especially when these utensils have already been washed. Doing so will ruin the restaurant’s efforts to ensure that the paraphernalia is clean for the next person;
- Not enter the premises if you are unwell. You are welcome to pack your food to go, but please do not dine in – you are putting our staff and other customers at risk;
- Practice good hygiene especially if you are about to sneeze or cough by covering your nose or closing your mouth. We have other people in the same area who might be uncomfortable with your habits;
- Not argue with the staff when they request that you to adhere to the SOPs. Everyone is following regulations whether they like it or not;
- Not smoke in our premises. As much as you would like to light up, there are at least another five people around you and you smoking would have spoiled their meal outing.
Let us all understand and be on our best behaviours when going to eateries. Stay safe and practice all SOPs. Everyone should pull their weight to ensure that we are all safe from all infectious diseases. – Aug 4, 2022
The Concerned Nationalist
Petaling Jaya
The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.